TRNAVA was until the 18th century well known as a University Town all around Europe and as the „Athens of Hungary“. The historical city center is historically protected area. The visitors can visit the town Tower, the Old city hall, Baroque Buildings of Trnava University and the especially well known Trnavian Churches, with the main cathedral of St. Nicolas, which became during the period of Turkish Expansion the main temple of Esztergom archbishops. Due to a lot of sacral monuments Trnava is also called Small Rome. The city has welcomed pilgrims for centuries. We will be pleased to organize a mass for you.
NITRA – just like Rome, was built on 7 hills. This oldest Slovak town is connected with big names such as Pribina, Svätopluk, St. Cyril and St. Metod. The medieval Nitra was divided into an Upper and Lower City. The dominant building of Nitra is the Castle with archbishop palace and Cathedral of St. Emeram, which became a basilica during the visit of Pope John Paul II. The most valuable part is the late Roman chapel, probably the oldest catholic church in Slovakia. You can’t miss the exhibition of the Diocese Museum, where the beautiful library with lots of valuable documents and cathedral treasures is located. The city is completed by the magnificent Calvary Road.